5 Ways to Include Mindfulness in Your Summer
Mindfulness and meditation don’t have to be hard or take hours. There isn’t one right way or one right time of day. Mindfulness can be part of your daily routine, it can be included in different activities and part of your every day. Here are a few tips and tricks to bringing mindfulness and meditation along with you as summer begins:
Play in the dirt! Plant some new flowers, grow a few vegetables, pull those weeds, whatever works for you - connecting to the Earth is a great meditation and helps you ground and be present.
Beach traffic turned meditation! Stuck in traffic waiting to get to the beach? Use it as a chance to recenter through good old fashion breathing. Roll your neck, shake out your hands and arms, inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. Let your breath revive and reconnect you to the excitement of getting to the beach!
Sit in the sun! The sun is so healing. Spend a few minutes soaking up some rays and let yourself feel nourished by its warmth. (As always, honor yourself and your skin - wear protection as needed.)
Get together with family and friends and laugh! Laughter is such a healing and transformative energy. Gather with people you care about and let the amusement spread. Notice how you feel after sharing smiles and laughter.
Take a moonlit stroll! We focus a lot on getting outside to get some sunshine. How about soaking up a little moonlight? As the sun goes down, enjoy an evening stroll basking in the gentle moonlit sky. Walk by yourself or with a friend. Use it as a time to remember how vast the Universe is and how magnificent it all is.
Happy Meditating!