Energy Read for March 2021
A new month is here! March! The longest month, or so it can seem, when living in New England and waiting for the snow to melt and the warmer temperatures to arrive.
This March brings the anniversary of the start of the pandemic taking hold in the US, schools shutting down, and everyone learning how to work/live remotely. There is a lot of excitement this month as the vaccine numbers increase and people gain more confidence in resuming life as they knew it. To that end, here is an energetic read on March 2021:
When I look at the energy of the month, I see rolling hills. Energy is moving, things are shifting. The ideal version would be rolling hills - nothing too steep, no sharp drop offs. The intention is there for that to happen, the energy is there for that to be the way it rolls out. People are ready for smooth, for less back and forth, and for movement. The sun is starting to rise in the picture. It is not a sunny, bright day initially in the picture. The picture is unfolding into a group of people coming together. They are standing in a circle. More people are gathering. People want to come together. Part of the lesson as I have seen it in the last year is about compassion for each other and coming together to see each other - to recognize what we each have to offer on this collective journey. We are all connected. This picture shows me people coming together - joining together - with a willingness to see each other. There is a difference between seeing someone and really seeing someone. We say hello to people all the time. The person you passed at the grocery store and said a passing hi to - did you see them? Your coworker you greet every morning, did you really hear what they said? To tune in and see people takes practice and a bit of time. We get busy, we get consumed with our stuff, and we forget to say hello to each other and really see each other.
My intention for March is that we can experience the rolling hills, we can continue to see each other, to validate each other for all that we each contribute in the world. We all have a role to play. We are all connected. Each one of our actions ripples out. Here’s to March being full of gentle growth, compassion, and coming together to see each other once again.
Abundant blessings always.