Peggy Huddleston's Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster
Learn Mind-Body Techniques
- Reduce anxiety before surgery
- Use less pain medication
- Heal faster
An analysis of 191 research studies with 8,600 patients documents that people who prepared for surgery had less pain, fewer complications and recovered sooner.
Ideally, the client will work with the program and their Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Workshop Coach one to two weeks before the scheduled operation. Benefits can be seen even with a tighter timeline.
Peggy Huddleston's 5 Steps to Prepare for Surgery:
1. Calm preoperative jitters guided by the Relaxation CD. Feeling peaceful strengthens your immune system and creates the biochemistry that enhances healing.
2. Visualize your recovery by turning worries into healing imagery.
3. Surround yourself in the love of family and friends to feel calmer before surgery.
4. Use "healing statements" words spoken during surgery that reduce the use of pain medication by 23-50%.
5. Meet an anesthesiologist at your preoperative meeting to request use of the "Healing Statements."
Jenny Griffith, RN, HN-BC
Jenny Griffith is fully trained and certified to present the Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Workshop (TM).
Jenny is a healer at heart. She touches the lives of her patients through exemplary nursing care and her intuitive nature.
She has been a nurse for over 40 years. Along her journey, she studied massage therapy and Integrative Nutrition. She practices meditation and believes strongly in the body, mind, and spirit connection.
Always seeking to grow and learn, she continued her nursing education by becoming a Holistic Nurse, board certified and now certified to work with clients in presenting Peggy Huddleston's program. She seeks to empower her patients to speak their truth and aims to meet them where they are on their path in healing.
When not nursing and coaching, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, reading, gardening, walking, and cycling.