2020 Meditation Ideas
2020 has arrived and with it new energies and new opportunities. Feeling optimistic? Feeling ready? Still working through and processing 2019? Not to worry, there is time to do it all.
As 2020 begins, take a moment to set your 2020 space with a short meditation or two. Here are a few ideas for your New Year Meditation:
Imagine a gift for yourself for each month of the year - you don’t need to know what the gifts are, simply visualize a gift (can be wrapped, boxed, a color, a symbol, no right or wrong in how it appears) - see a calendar in front of you and drop a gift in each month. Then as the year unfolds, notice when little gifts come your way.
As you settle into your meditation space, ask what color would be healing to your year and imagine a ribbon of that color running through your year.
Play with a theme - ask yourself when in meditation, out walking, or having a quiet reflective moment, “what was my theme for 2019? what is my theme for 2020?” and notice what pops up, it could be a word, a phrase, a color, a mantra, no right or wrong here either.
When it comes to meditation, it is about making it work for you. Have fun. Play with colors and symbols. Use quiet moments to recenter, to connect to your energy. Meditation can be 30 seconds, a deep breath, a 20 minute walk, or sitting in your favorite chair tuning in to your thoughts. The best meditation is the meditation that works for you!
Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, abundant 2020!
As always, remember to follow the energy…