Summer Meditation Checklist
Summertime…and the living is….full of expectations? Busy as ever? The demands and stress of life don’t necessarily take time off just because the sun is out and the calendar reads June, July, and August. I thought I would share some ideas to bring meditation with you as you travel, explore, work, rest, and enjoy some sunshine and summertime!
Use the actual sun to remind you to fill in with your gold sun. As taught in the Meditation Basics Guided Recorded Meditation series, the visual of a gold sun offers a powerful tool to recharge and energize. Much like stepping outside on a sunny day can feel refreshing and healing, your gold sun can do that for you every day regardless of the weather! Let the longer day time you serve as a reminder to take a few moments (30 seconds is all you need sometimes) each day to visualize your gold sun above your head and imagine/see it shining down and filling you in with your energy.
Toes in the sand create an optimal grounding condition. As you walk in the sand on your beach day or beach vacation, take a moment to give yourself a grounding cord as you walk along. Anytime you connect to the earth, it’s healing. When your feet are directly in contact with the earth, it’s even better. Often in winter, our feet are covered with socks, shoes, boots, and rarely come out to connect directly with the earth. Let the sand create a grounding and a place for you to release anything you feel ready to let go of.
Things are heating up meaning it’s time to take off the extra layers. We sometimes don’t realize how we protect ourselves. We build up layers of protection to combat rejection, disappointment, fear, anxiety. We might consciously or unconsciously do this. Warmer weather gives us a change to look at these layers and maybe shed some and/or update our pictures of what we need/want our space to look like. Physically this often translates to spring cleaning. Energetically this can look like sitting in meditation and looking at your layers or booking a reading to get your layers read. Much like spring cleaning, energetic cleaning can also make you feel lighter, better, and ready for new!
Happy Summer! And as always, follow the energy.