How to Train Yourself to See Everything as Healing

We all carry around pictures, thoughts, ideas, as to what we think of or see as healing. Something happens to us and we decide it is good or bad, we like it or don’t like it. What if it wasn’t about something being good or bad? What if it wasn’t about liking something or not liking it? What if everything going on around you and in your life was there specifically for you, offered to you as a healing along your path?

The definition of healing in this case: an opportunity to grow, to learn, to take a step, to advance, to gain greater understanding or depth of knowledge.

The challenge is to see everything that happens in our lives as a healing.

The catch? It’s a choice! We get to decide how we view what happens to us and around us. It’s up to us to choose how to see things. We can view something as good, bad, indifferent, helpful, not helpful, a healing, or not a healing.

How would your life change right now if you viewed everything that has happened, is happening, or is about to happen to you as some form of healing? Imagine it. What would shift?

The drink you spilled this morning making you late for work, a healing.

The massage you got last week on a whim, a healing.

The stubbed toe in the middle of the night, a healing.

The co-worker that constantly invades your space, a healing.

In order to choose to see the opportunities and challenges that come our way as a healing, we have to learn to receive the healing in everything. Seeing everything as a healing is not the usual training or programming we get. Most of us don’t get rear-ended on the way to work, jump out of our car, and run to the other driver shouting “thank you for the healing! I didn’t know i needed to be rear-ended today, and yet, apparently that is where the healing opportunity is!”

Learning to receive a healing in all things takes willingness and practice. Sometimes it is down right difficult, especially the really painful things - disease, violence, loss. I do not mean to downplay any of those events. And yet, as I have experienced challenges, I notice that when I choose to see the healing, when I connect to some appreciation, find some gratitude, allow some grace into a situation, things feel lighter. I can then see where the challenge led me or I can make sense of something and receive the healing.

One way to consciously receive life’s moments as healing, the obvious and the not-so obvious ones, is to say thank you. Thank you raises the vibration of any situation. When you say thank you, the gratitude level immediately jumps. When training yourself to see everything as a healing, saying thank you acts as a trigger to recognize the healing. When something big or small, planned or unplanned, easy or hard comes up, say “thank you.”

How do you see the opportunities and challenges that arise in your life? Are they a healing? Could they be? What do you view as healing? Could you see everything as a healing? What might that feel or look like?

Seeing everything as a healing doesn’t always come easily. Give it a go. Say thank you. See what unfolds. You might just find healing in unexpected places.

As always, follow the energy.


Two Questions...


Using Pictures to Heal