How Do You Communicate with Spirit?
For most, communicating with spirit looks differently than it did when Whoopi Goldberg's character channeled Patrick Swayze's character in the movie Ghost. Mediumship, channeling spirit, is one way to communicate with spirit. That being said, there is no wrong way to communicate when it comes to spirit. Some get hints in the form of numbers, some get messages in songs, some tune in to a vibration or a color. Everyone works with and communicates with spirit in their own unique way. The key is finding your way. So, how do you do that?
Step 1: Tune in.
Everything is energy. Much like you tune in to your favorite radio station (for those that still listen to the radio), tune in to what is energetically happening around you. If you meditate, create space during your meditation to listen to what is popping up around you, the thoughts and feelings you are having. If you don't meditate, foster awareness. Give yourself time to be aware. It can consist of simply asking: what's happening right now? What am I perceiving? What am I hearing? What am I feeling? When you tune in, it's amazing what you tap into.
Step 2: Be open.
Being open creates space for messages, possibilities, and information to flow. Being open means not deciding ahead of time what is going to happen, what you will see, how something will appear, how you will receive a message, etc. You may be looking for a message and your best friend may call you and say the exact words you were thinking or questioning, did you get the message? And yet, you probably wouldn't have predicted that was how the message would show up. Let the powers that be decide/deliver the message, spend your time and energy being open to hearing and having the information.
Step 3: Notice what unfolds.
Stay present once you have tuned in and opened up to the message in order to notice what unfolds. See what pops up and what transpires. Notice as things happen, how they happen. See if you experience more ease, less stress, faster resolutions, more smiles, and anything else. Give yourself permission to be an observer! You might notice messages in the form of numbers, answers delivered with actual words spoken from family and/or friends, unexpected feelings popping up, random thoughts of something that you haven't thought of in years that provide insight, dreams, and any thing else. It's not how you see or get the message, it is that you get the message.
Communicating with spirit doesn't have to be an exhaustive, someone taking over your body experience. We are all receiving information all the time, getting messages every day. Let yourself tune in, be open to what pops up, and the notice what happens next. In doing so, you are shifting your energy. It might feel subtle, it might feel as if you aren't doing anything, and yet you have changed your energy...and the Universe will notice.
As always, follow the energy.
Ready to tune in more? Develop your clairvoyance - Class starts this September!